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The Need for Disrupting Corporate Learning
A Short Reflection Before Starting
TASK: How is This Module Going to Improve Your Professional Performance?
Influencing Forces
The Need for a Learning Organisation
Digitalisation (1:43)
Globalisation (1:21)
Information Transparency and Speed (2:10)
The Ageing Workforce (1:24)
SOCIAL: What Mega-Trend do you Believe Has an Impact on Corporate Learning?
Why Trends don’t Really Matter (1:10)
INSIGHT: Instead of Optimizing Processes, Reimagine Them as Platforms | Michael Schrage
L&D to Enable an Organisation to Close its own Skill Gap
How do Employees Experience all this? (3:12)
INSIGHT: Deloitte Trends
TASK: Identifying the Potential Impact
Turn This into a Social Learning Experience
Social Learning Tips
Progression Hurdles to Overcome
Taylorism (1:05)
School Systems (1:02)
INSIGHT: Changing Education Paradigms | Sir Ken Robinson
Power Shift of Knowledge
L&D Reputation (2:33)
The C-Suite Agenda (1:30)
INSIGHT: Two reasons companies fail and how to avoid them | Knut Haanaes
SOCIAL: What is Your Biggest Challenge to Disrupt Corporate Learning?
TASK: Finding Potential Obstacles and Solutions
Concrete Advantages for your Company
Making new Employees Productive Faster (1:20)
Combining Innovation & Learning to Reverse Turnover Decline (2:02)
Breaking Down of Knowledge Silos (0:45)
Enabling Cross-Collaboration (1:13)
SOCIAL: What Other Competitive Advantage can be Possible?
Corporate Social Responsibility for Digitalisation (2:13)
Blending Recruitment, Development, Knowledge Management and Internal Communications (1:16)
Additional Revenue Streams (1:15)
Increasing Market Adoption of New Products (1:04)
Reducing Customer Support Costs (2:00)
Supporting Brand Management (0:42)
INSIGHT: Corporate Learning as Competitive Advantage Enabler
TASK: Applying it to Your Business
Did you Achieve Your Goal?
Brief Course Summary
TASK: Final Reflection
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1-Minute Survey
SOCIAL: What Other Competitive Advantage can be Possible?
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